Diponegoro University held its 175th graduation ceremony on July 30, 2024. The event took place solemnly, attended by students from various faculties, including the Faculty of Engineering (FT) and the Graduate School (SPs). This moment is the culmination of the academic journey of the graduates who have struggled hard to complete their studies amidst the challenges.

At this graduation, seven master students from the Electrical Engineering Study Program of the Faculty of Engineering received their degrees. Outstanding achievements were made by Muhammad Afif Affandi and Purwanto Andi Meyanto, who both graduated Cumlaude. Muhammad Afif Affandi achieved a GPA of 3.85, while Purwanto Andi Meyanto achieved a GPA of 3.80.

In addition to Muhammad Afif Affandi and Purwanto Andi Meyanto, there are five other graduates who also received their bachelor’s degrees from the Electrical Engineering Study Program. They are Pasha Dwi Mahendra, Valentine Kilau Intan C., Sayikhul Hadi, Karina Laras Novitasari, and Keshawa Udiatma. With the knowledge gained during the study period, these graduates are expected to be able to make a real contribution in the field of electrical engineering and bring the good name of their alma mater, Diponegoro University, in the national and international arena.